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1. Contact the conference team teacher for submission.

2. Submitted by official submission email: icabcm@126.com

Each paper is usually limited to about Five pages, and the number of pages that exceeds each page requires an extra page fee of 200 yuan.

Welcome to the official website ABCM 2024! 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in 2024 International Conference on Advances in Big Data, Cloud Computing and Mathematical Modeling (ABCM 2024) which will be held on September 7-8  2024 in Dalian, China.

The conference is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of big data, cloud computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, software engineering, computer simulation and mathematical modeling. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. We warmly welcome previous and prospected authors submit your new research papers to ABCM , and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.

All submissions will be peer reviewed by our International Program Committee on the basis of full manuscripts. Acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Papers should be formatted according to the paper format. They should be written in English and at least 4 pages. Contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period.

ABCM 2024 information

Meeting schedule

block01 Arrival&Registration

The first day is all about registration, participants are supposed to sign in at the conference venue and collect all the conference materiails at the registration counter on this day.

block02 Openning Remarks&Keynote Speech

The conference chair will be hosting a opening ceremony in the morning, and all the participants are supposed to be there, then the keynote speakers will deliver their spectacular speeches and share their cutting-edge research fruits with the participants. During the intermission, there will be a photo session for all the participants to take a group photo.

block03 Author Presentation in Sessions

Session chair will start the session on time, and give a grade to each presentation, which should be within 15 minutes, including Q&A.

block04 Closing Ceremony & Banquet

After all the sessions are finished, the conference chair and the organiser will be hosting a closing ceremony

block05 One Day Visit

You can organize your own day trip to Dalian

Submission method

Introduction to Dalian

20180807162546902Dalian is a famous summer resort and tourist hotspot in China. It not only has half of the humanistic historical tourism resources of the Natural History Museum of China, but also many natural tourism resources. In 1998, it was awarded the title of China's first outstanding tourist city. The Southern Coastal Scenic Area, Lushunkou Scenic Area, Jinshitan Scenic Area and Bingyugou Scenic Area are the four scenic spots in Dalian. Every year, Dalian holds the International Fashion Festival, Commodity Import and Export Fair, Fireworks and Firecrackers Spring Festival, Rewards Club, International Marathon, Hail Ice Lantern Festival and other large-scale events. It also successfully held the 97 China Tourism Fair and the first The 2nd China Flower Fair. Dalian has increased its investment in the development of tourism resources, and further improved the tourism development pattern of Jinshitan and Lushun as the center of the southern coastal waterfront.